The COVID-19 pandemic has forced leaders worldwide to take immediate action and extreme precautions to protect the lives of their citizens and prevent the spread of the virus, creating protocols of biosafety and social distancing, based on what the World Health Organization says.

Hundreds of countries around the world have issued alerts to raise awareness and urge people to abide by the measures taken for their wellbeing.
There's no doubt that some have been more affected than others. Still, independent of the severity in a specific area, the government must promote and encourage self-care to prevent the spread of this virus that torments the entire world today.
In the United States, each state complied with orders and measures issued by President Donald Trump's government. These were announced through the press, television, social networks, and many other media channels to guarantee proper diffusion after the first case of Coronavirus appeared on American soil on January 21, followed by the first death caused by the disease, just a few days later, on February 6.
By April, the country was among the most affected by the outbreak of the virus, almost becoming the epicenter of one of the most lethal episodes in human history. The number of deceased exceeded 12,000, and on some days of the month, the reported death toll was between 3,800 and 4,500. Although authorities revealed the figure could be much higher, due to the lack of screening tests available at the moment.
Several state governors decided to act on these facts to try to reduce the exponential growth of cases and think of strategies to implement in their states..
California was one of the states with the fastest response, setting regulations regarding social distancing and the temporary closure of some non-essential stores. The governor of California took these steps out of concern about the situation. That's why he decided to look for alternative ways to warn people. In his search, he found LED Truck and chose us as his ally to launch the #Stayathome campaign, in the first week of April, when the situation was becoming increasingly worrying.

The advertising campaign was conducted in Los Angeles by the government of California, and it addressed the measures that each citizen should follow during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our advertising trucks frequented places with large crowds, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, to attract the people's attention while they were preparing to go home to quarantine.
Our mobile billboard trucks drove through the streets while displaying in all four led screens creatives with content that explained to the citizens how to join efforts to contain the spread of the virus while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe and healthy.
As simple as staying home, not going out if it was not strictly necessary, to do things like go to the supermarket, a medical emergency, the pharmacy or the bank. It was everyone's responsibility to contain the virus and flatten the infection curve that was growing exponentially.